Bringing Home the Bacon (in a Carbonara)

We realised recently that our take-out menu has been something of a neglected soul. Whilst not quite comparable to a JK Rowling script sat idle on a laptop, we felt this is something we should give a little time to promoting and getting out there for the Happy Valley community to, quite literally, get their teeth into.

Aside from getting in from a long day and having to muster up the will to cook something, there is also the matter of those for whom date nights have taken a back seat – the cost of babysitting, timing an exit to avoid child-hanging-off-your-ankle syndrome (amidst tears of ‘You can’t leave me!’) and the risk that is dining out with your child as the bedtime approaches and the mood switches from angelic little pudding to Road-Runner-energy-meets-attitude-of-pre-match-boxer…

We are happy to box up a fresh meals of antipasti, pasta, pizza, bruschetta, our famous garlic breads, salad, a bottle of wine, or for those with acquired tastes; an entire Tiramisu and a bottle of Perno, and have it ready for your collection. You are also welcome to pop in early and have a drink in the bar area whilst you wait.

‘What about lunchtimes?’ we hear you cry! Fear not, not only will we happily take lunch-time orders, but if you are working in Bollington and a group of you would welcome lunch bought to the door then please give us a call and we will accommodate as able, without delivery charge.

You can come in to order, ring us with your order on 01625 886793 or email from the convenience of your desk: Please note that we offer a 10% discount on all orders collected between 5.30-7pm weekdays and 5.30-6.30pm weekends.

DANGER! Please note that eating in your own home does pose the risk of missing out on a steady flow of classic love songs and of course the charisma of the host.

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